At Hotel Párraga Siete we take care of every detail to make your stay an unforgettable experience.
The Hotel Párraga Siete has a multitude of services with all the comforts available to our guests to make them feel at home.
The hotel is home to the “Blu Vitola Restaurant”, which has its own wine cellar and serves typical local dishes.
El Patio
The interior of the building has a spectacular courtyard, which lets in natural light and illuminates the hotel.
Free Wifi
Hotel Párraga Siete offers free Wi-Fi connection in all its facilities.
Luggage Storage
The Hotel Párraga Siete has a luggage storage service for its guests.
Tourist Information
We will provide you with all the tourist information and information of interest that you may need during your visit to Granada.
The Hotel Párraga Siete is perfectly adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Tea and Coffee Corner
In our hotel you will find a delightful and charming tea and coffee corner.
Room Services
El Hotel Párraga Siete has room service available for guests.
The hotel offers a breakfast basket service in the room every day from 8 a.m. onwards.
Alhambra Tours
We offer advice on how to book your guided tour of the Alhambra.